Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Third Quarter Reflection

Of the books I have read this quarter, 45 pounds would have to be my favorite. I just related to it in so many ways, and in the end it inspired me to become a better person. Most books that I read are mostly fiction, but they don't really have a message that speaks out to me. Although this story was also fiction, I think it taught me a lot. It didn't necessarily teach me something I didn't know, but more as in a different view. For example, I've always looked at things a certain way, but this story showed me an unfamiliar but better side of things.

I think the biggest improvement I've made in the third quarter is my vocab. Instead of studying last minute like I have before, I've made some additional time for studying. Not only that, but I've also using different types of tools to help me practice. For example, quizlet. I think quizlet has really helped me a lot with this, especially with all the different types of study modes you can use. To review, I usually use the flashcards first, then play the games they've created. After all of that, I then create a quiz to see how I'm doing or where I need more help with. But overall, I think I've done fairly well with my vocab tests lately and I will for sure continue to use this strategy in the fourth quarter.

The most challenging part of third quarter for me was turning in assignments on time. I'm not quite sure why but this quarter for me went fast and it just added pressure to me. My problem is that instead of spending my time trying to relieve my stress and do my assignments, I use all of that time to complain about how much stress I have and ignore those assignments. Then when I turn in everything, I end up re doing it, which takes even longer. It wasn't a problem for me in the last two quarters, but for some reason it was this time around. I hated this, and I really hope I come up with an effective plan to avoid this in fourth quarter.

I commented on: GiannaAmeliaMarisa

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